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How to handle the tough time in your life.......

Hi Friends,                    I am going to share my thoughts about how i handle my tough may useful to anyone in their life...As a normal person i have also face many hard times in my life....If a problem came we suffer a lot we always think about that problem...Day and Night we think, think,and think at last we convince our self that it will solve itself or god will help us to solve the problem...  I am also like that kind of person if i can't do anything then my only faith is the god.Like this my life is going on.. if one problem came i am overthinking and over suffered about that problem and i make myself to became a lonely person and think of that problem why it happened to me... I am the only person in the world who suffered a lot in life like that i think...but in one certain point i realize that if i suffered in one problem same time another one problem came means i think that the previous one is a very small compared to this one, this is the b

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